Released by: Something Weird Video
Release date: 07/17/2001

Running time: 91 mins
Aspect ratio: 1.33:1
Region: Region 1, NTSC
MSRP: $9.99
Since this is the first movie review up on the Bad Monster Films blog, I decided to make it a fitting one. So why not review a movie involving a bad monster! So what's in the basket you ask? Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case is a charming story of brotherly love... well, I guess not in your traditional sense. It's more of a sick and twisted, sleazy, gory, exploitation cult story of brotherly love. Release back in 1981 on the seedy 42nd Street theater screens, this grindhouse classic is the story of Duane Bradley (Kevin van Hentenryck) and his brother Belial. They aren't your typical brothers since 20-year old Duane carries around his twin brother Belial in a wicker basket. You see, Belial is a monstrous living growth that used to be attached to Duane's right side. These Siamese twins were separated against their will at the hands of a couple of doctors who were called in secretly to do the dirty deed. Big mistake.
So now some years later Duane makes a trip with his wicker basket at hand from upstate New York to the Big Apple. He pulls out a roll of 20's and stays at the by-the-hour flea bag Hotel Broslin located in Manhattan. Here Duane and his basket will stay until they've carried out their plans for revenge on the doctors involved with splitting the two apart with a razor-sharp scalpel.
Along the way of exacting sweet vengeance, Duane falls for the receptionist at the office of one of the mad doctors. So Duane leaves Belial all alone in the seedy hotel while he goes on a date with Sharon (Terri Susan Smith). Since they are Siamese twins and all, Belial can feel what Duane feels and he does not like the fact that Duane has found a love interest and is betraying him to spend time with her. So Belial ransacks the room causing quite the commotion and eventually murders one of the tenants. Now the cops are on Duane's case.
Will the cops catch on to Duane's secret? Will Duane and Belial exact their revenge on the mad doctors using claws, scalpels, and a buzz-saw-on-a-wagon contraption? WIll Sharon find out what's in the basket before it's too late? Will the Bradley's check out on time? Find out in Frank Henenlotter's Basket Case!
MOVIE: 5 out of 5.
Basket Case is a sleazy cult horror classic! One of my all time favorite movies, and a definite guilty pleasure. I remember renting the VHS from 49 Cent Video when I was a wee lad and smiling with insane glee from the first frame to the last minute. An inventive and demented script featuring some great gags and some brutal stop-motion animation make this a must-see. Plus, Kevin van Hentenryck's gravity-defying curly 'fro would make David Hasselhoff jealous! That thing must be seen to be believed! All that hair has gotta weigh at least 10 pounds! There's plenty of gore and inventive deaths that will keep all the gore-hounds at bay. And heck, the acting isn't even that atrocious! And how can you go wrong when there is a scene involving a latex-puppet of a deformed Siamese twin growth raping his brother's new girlfriend?! You just can't. If you're a little bit sick and twisted and you are looking for something else to rent than what's on the shelves, track down a copy of Basket Case and pop it in!
VIDEO: 4 out of 5.
There's some grain here and there, but with the remasterd picture from an original negative this is the best Basket Case has probably ever looked. Basket Case is released in it's original aspect ration of 1.33:1.
AUDIO: 4 out of 5.
The mono audio track sounds clear as can be. I could not find any issues with the audio track what-so-ever.
EXTRAS: 4 out of 5.
This is the 20th Anniversery Edition DVD of Basket Case so there better be some extras! And there sure is!
- Commentary with Director Frank Henenlotter, Producer Edgar Ievins, and Actress Beverly Bonner
- Theatrical Trailer, 2 TV Spots, and 2 Radio Spots
- Outtakes and Behind-The-Scenes Footage
- Video Short: In Search of the Hotel Broslin
- Art Gallery and Behind-The-Scenes Photos
- 2 Radio Interviews with Actress Terri Susan Smith
- Clips from "Beverly Bonner's Laugh Track" Cable TV Show
OVERALL: 5 out of 5.
That's right, a solid 5 out of 5. What can I say, I love this movie. Great flick, great DVD, lots of extras, and it's dirt cheap! What are you waiting for, add it to your collection NOW! Check out the trailer below.
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